- Playlawn System
- Playlawn Benefits

- Before and after

- Installation
Home and Garden

PlayLawn System

Sportslawn offer very easy to build DIY PLAYLAWN kits for small nursery areas as well as a professional full installation service for larger playground areas.

Many small schools have opted to save a large amount of money by opting for the Sportslawn DIY kit option as quite often on smaller areas the costs of installation can be more expensive than the materials themselves. These costs can be completely removed when using PLAYLAWN DIY kits which are often fitted within a few hours!.

We have well over 75 UK references for playgrounds and play areas and no area is too large or to small for PLAYLAWN. Accessibility is not a problem and no special skills or equipment are needed.

PLAYLAWN's unique combination of durability, comfort and safety will impress the most discerning of teachers, carers and parents. No more scratched knees or muddy clothes.

PLAYLAWN is so versatile it can be installed on almost any kind of surface, grass, bark, earth, paving slabs and tarmac - with little or no preparation.


Dorman Recycled Plastics Limited, Unit 1, Hill Cottage Farm, Hogshaw, Bucks, MK18 3LA
Tel : 0844 800 9030; Email :